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- @EX 0 "wi_12:progs/farbe" @BP 1
- @TI " WARRIOR`S INN - Die letzte Bastion gegen den Wahnsinn der Normalität"
- @SB CENTER 016 ram:data/text_2.b
- @SB LEFT 130 ram:data/m_1.b
- @SH y
- @CO 2 1 @IY 8
- @SE " ··· BATTLETORIAL ··· " wi_12:text/battletorial
- @SE " Richtlinien für Beitragseinsendungen " wi_12:text/normen
- @SE " WISGI: Die `WARRIOR`S INN Style Guide International` " wi_12:text/wisgi
- @SE " Rewind it! - The Forgotten WARRIORS INN`s " wi_12:text/rewind`it @CN 2
- @SE " Adress- & Kontaktliste " wi_12:text/adressen
- @SE " Impressum " wi_12:text/impressum @CN 1 @NC
- @TI " WARRIOR`S INN - Die letzte Bastion gegen den Wahnsinn der Normalität"
- @SB LEFT 020 ram:data/m_2.b
- @SE " Der Flohmarkt " wi_12:text/flohmarkt
- @SE " Aktuelle Con-Termine " wi_12:text/cons
- @SB LEFT 130 ram:data/m_3.b @IY 4
- @CO 7 1
- »»»[ Keine Rezensionen und Tests diesmal... :( ]«««
- -Twist <12-Oct-94/19:47:43>
- @CO 2 1
- @NC
- @TI " WARRIOR`S INN - Die letzte Bastion gegen den Wahnsinn der Normalität"
- @SB LEFT 020 ram:data/m_4.b @PP 1
- @SE " `Hypno Flight` - Der Soundtrack zur #12 ...... Neurodancer/ABYSS " "wi_12:progs/np -p3 wi_12:progs/mod.hypnoflight"
- @SE " AD&D Sex Guide .................................. Reid Bluebaugh " wi_12:text/sex_guid
- @SE " The 35 types of fantasy roleplayers ........................ ??? " wi_12:text/txt.35rpg
- @SE " The 40 types of dungeon masters ............................ ??? " wi_12:text/txt.40dm
- @SE " Faces of Mars PD: 121 - 180 ............................... Solo " wi_12:text/fom121-180
- @SB LEFT 154 ram:data/m_5.b
- @SE " `Die Präsenz der Macht...` - Die JEDI CONVENTION `94 .... Twist " wi_12:text/jedi.1
- @SE " Auszüge aus der STAR WARS MULTIMEDIA DATENBANK ........... Solo " wi_12:text/jedi.2
- @NC @TI " WARRIOR`S INN - Die letzte Bastion gegen den Wahnsinn der Normalität"
- @SB LEFT 020 ram:data/m_6.b
- @SE " Welcome! - An short intruduction to NO SEX HERE " wi_12:text/nsh_1
- @SE " LANDS OF LORE Review ............... Twain Pain " wi_12:text/nsh_2
- @SE " LANDS OF LORE Hints ................ Twain Pain " wi_12:text/nsh_3
- @SE " Programming RPGs I - Weapons ....... Twain Pain " wi_12:text/nsh_4
- @SE " AD&D scenario: Hall of Rock ...... Mark Blomsma " wi_12:text/nsh_5
- @NC @TI " WARRIOR`S INN - Die letzte Bastion gegen den Wahnsinn der Normalität"
- @SB LEFT 020 ram:data/m_7.b
- @SE " Infofile ............ ESWFC (Club) " wi_12:werbung/info.eswfc
- @SE " Infofile ...... FACES OF MARS (PD) " wi_12:werbung/info.faces_of_mars
- @SE " Infofile ..... INFOX MAG-NET (DFÜ) " wi_12:werbung/info.infoxmag_net
- @SE " Infofile ...... THE EDGE (DiskMag) " wi_12:werbung/info.the_edge
- @SE " Infofile .... TWILIGHT ZONE (Shop) " wi_12:werbung/info.twilight_zone
- @SE " Infofile ........... WARRIOR`S INN " wi_12:werbung/info.warrior`s_inn
- @SE " --- ZURÜCK ZUM HAUPTMENU --- " wi_12:s/menu.Look